online collaboration Art

The relationship between man and so-called nature has undergone various changes and events in different periods. From the distant years when humankind took refuge in caves to escape the dangers of nature or an era when man traveled and experimented more and more with the tools and weapons he built. Until, nowadays, humanity has maximized – and seemingly mastered – its use of natural resources.
What is nature actually? Does it exist? Are we part of nature?
Questioning matters of scale, temporality, and the anthropocentric world, “grounded” doesn’t give answers but invites us to experience and rethink our position as humans. Set to mechanical soundscapes and human frequencies, timelapse footage and MRT scans morph into each other challenging different perspectives."
Planned as a multichannel video and sound installation, “grounded” is compromised of a continuous audiovisual loop running against another, unsynchronised multimedia loop to enhance an experience of relativity. Arzezu Zargar and Hendrik Klatte channel both their scientific background, as well as their artistic vision to explore their common ground.
by Arezu Zargar (@arezuzargar.artist ) & Hendrik Klatte (@gregordys )
Project mentor Gemuce (@gemuce_art )
This work was created in an online collaboration during the Nature Residency between 05.04 - 08.05.2022
to watch the video, click the following here